Daijoubu Desu Ka Meaning in English
大丈夫か daijōbu-ka literally means are things ok. What is the meaning of Deska. 25 Ways To Say Daijoubu Daijobu だいじょうぶ 大丈夫 In Japanese Ka this would mean I am fine. . In addition Daijoubu is a casual acceptable response to a question. Japanese is considered to be the 9th most spoken language across the globe. Ka is a particle at the end of sentences. Watch what does daijoubu mean in english Video. As many people know some of the kanji have a. 大 dai literally means big. However there is an honorific phrase which shows more direct interest in you health or well being. 土曜日か日曜日に海に行く What does ka mean in slang. Its worth noting that 大丈夫か daijōbu-ka is a casual form of 大丈夫ですか daijōbu-desuka which could be used - in the. Watashi wa daijoubu desu. Are you ok As we discussed in Chapter 1 adding a か ka. The phrase may be a bit wrong in terms of grammar but is accepted by the Japanese community nonethel...